HPB NorthPointe Plaza

100 Meadow Park Ave
Lewis Center, OH 43035


(740) 548-1290


Monday 10 AM -8 PM

Tuesday 10 AM -8 PM

Wednesday 10 AM -8 PM

Thursday 10 AM -8 PM

Friday 10 AM -8 PM

Saturday 10 AM -8 PM

Sunday 10 AM -8 PM

  • Pickup In Store
  • Buying from the Public
/r/n <span class=\"listAddressTitle\">HPB NorthPointe Plaza</span>\r\n 100 Meadow Park Ave\r\n \r\n <span class=\"addr-lines-align mb-2\">\r\n \r\n Lewis Center,\r\n \r\n \r\n OH\r\n \r\n 43035\r\n </span>\r\n </a>\r\n </p>\r\n <p class=\"phone-number\">\r\n \r\n <i class=\"fa fa-phone mr-2 \" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>\r\n <span><a class=\"storelocator-phone link-color-black\" href=https://www.hpb.com/"tel:(740) 548-1290\t\t\t\t\t\t\">(740) 548-1290\t\t\t\t\t\t</a></span>\r\n \r\n </p>\r\n <div class=\"store-hours open-today mb-3\">\r\n \r\n Open today from\r\n \r\n <span class=\"open-today-time\"></span>\r\n </div>\r\n \r\n </address>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"store-details store-details-below col-12\" data-store-id=\"HPB-121\">\r\n <div id=\"listStore\" class=\"listStore\">\r\n \r\n <div class=\"twoColumns equal-height d-flex mb-4\">\r\n <div class=\"column1 col-6 pl-0 border-right pr-md-2 store-hours\">\r\n \r\n <p class=\"m-0\"><strong>Store Hours:</strong></p>\r\n <ul class=\"m-0 p-0\">\r\n <li>\r\n <strong>\r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Monday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Monday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Tuesday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Tuesday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Wednesday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Wednesday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Thursday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Thursday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Friday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Friday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Saturday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Saturday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Sunday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Sunday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n\r\n </strong>\r\n </li>\r\n </ul>\r\n \r\n </div>\r\n \r\n <div class=\"column1 col-6 pl-3 p-0\">\r\n <ul class=\"m-0 p-0\">\n<li><i class=\"fa fa-check\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>Pickup In Store</li>\n<li><i class=\"fa fa-check\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>Buying from the Public</li>\n</ul>\r\n </div>\r\n \r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"row storeButtons\" data-detail-url=\"/store?storeid=HPB-121&amp;showMap=true&amp;horizontalView=true&amp;isForm=true\" data-detail-text=\"Store Detail\">\r\n \r\n <div class=\"column1 col-12 pl-0 pr-md-2 storeDetails\">\r\n <div class=\"text-center pb-3\">\r\n <a href=https://www.hpb.com/"Half-Price-Books_NorthPointe Plaza_121\" class=\"btn btn-outline-primary-small\"> Store Detail </a>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n \r\n \r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"}]">
100 Meadow Park Ave

HPB NorthPointe Plaza Manager

HPB NorthPointe Plaza Manager

"I started working for Half Price Books in September 1998. It was supposed to be temporary; I had a plan to apply for grad school in a few months so I could spend all my days talking about books. I ended up having so much fun at HPB that I never even filled out the grad school application. I still spend my days talking about books, and I have zero regrets!"

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