HPB Lynnwood

19520 Hwy 99, Ste 103
Lynnwood, WA 98036


(425) 776-8885


Monday 10 AM -8 PM

Tuesday 10 AM -8 PM

Wednesday 10 AM -8 PM

Thursday 10 AM -8 PM

Friday 10 AM -8 PM

Saturday 10 AM -8 PM

Sunday 10 AM -8 PM

  • Pickup In Store
  • Buying from the Public
/r/n <span class=\"listAddressTitle\">HPB Lynnwood</span>\r\n 19520 Hwy 99, Ste 103\r\n \r\n <span class=\"addr-lines-align mb-2\">\r\n \r\n Lynnwood,\r\n \r\n \r\n WA\r\n \r\n 98036\r\n </span>\r\n </a>\r\n </p>\r\n <p class=\"phone-number\">\r\n \r\n <i class=\"fa fa-phone mr-2 \" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>\r\n <span><a class=\"storelocator-phone link-color-black\" href=https://www.hpb.com/"tel:(425) 776-8885\t\t\t\t\t\t\">(425) 776-8885\t\t\t\t\t\t</a></span>\r\n \r\n </p>\r\n <div class=\"store-hours open-today mb-3\">\r\n \r\n Open today from\r\n \r\n <span class=\"open-today-time\"></span>\r\n </div>\r\n \r\n </address>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"store-details store-details-below col-12\" data-store-id=\"HPB-071\">\r\n <div id=\"listStore\" class=\"listStore\">\r\n \r\n <div class=\"twoColumns equal-height d-flex mb-4\">\r\n <div class=\"column1 col-6 pl-0 border-right pr-md-2 store-hours\">\r\n \r\n <p class=\"m-0\"><strong>Store Hours:</strong></p>\r\n <ul class=\"m-0 p-0\">\r\n <li>\r\n <strong>\r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Monday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Monday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Tuesday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Tuesday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Wednesday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Wednesday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Thursday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Thursday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Friday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Friday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Saturday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Saturday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n <p class=\"mb-1\" data-day=\"Sunday\"><span class=\"dayName d-inline-block w-50\">Sunday</span> <span class=\"dayTime d-inline-block\">10 AM -8 PM</span></p>\r\n\r\n </strong>\r\n </li>\r\n </ul>\r\n \r\n </div>\r\n \r\n <div class=\"column1 col-6 pl-3 p-0\">\r\n <ul class=\"m-0 p-0\">\n<li><i class=\"fa fa-check\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>Pickup In Store</li>\n<li><i class=\"fa fa-check\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>Buying from the Public</li>\n</ul>\r\n </div>\r\n \r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"row storeButtons\" data-detail-url=\"/store?storeid=HPB-071&amp;showMap=true&amp;horizontalView=true&amp;isForm=true\" data-detail-text=\"Store Detail\">\r\n \r\n <div class=\"column1 col-12 pl-0 pr-md-2 storeDetails\">\r\n <div class=\"text-center pb-3\">\r\n <a href=https://www.hpb.com/"Half-Price-Books_Lynnwood_071/" class=\"btn btn-outline-primary-small\"> Store Detail </a>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n \r\n \r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"}]">
19520 Hwy 99, Ste 103

HPB Lynnwood Manager

HPB Lynnwood Manager

""In 2010, I had just returned from New Zealand and was looking to work for a company that cared not only for its employees, but the environment and community as well. My passion for books, movies, music and games made Half Price Books the obvious choice. I've grown a lot since then - so has my library - and I'm excited to join the Lynnwood HPB staff as their store manager."

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